Monday, November 12, 2018

6 Reasons To Quit Drinking Again

I decided to do another 2 months alcohol free. Do you think I make it through the holiday seasons? Thanksgiving will be easy considering I work. Here's 6 reasons I'm doing this again.

1. It's easier to stick to my diet when I don't drink. I quit drinking for 55 days and lost 10 pounds. I sort of hit a wall the last 2-3 weeks, but I still lost 10 pounds. Since I started drinking again 12 days ago I gained 4 pounds. So, I think it's fair to say that alcohol doesn't bode well for diets.

2.  Mornings become more industrious. When you're sleeping until 11 a.m. because you drank too much the night before, your mornings are not very industrious. So, that right there is a good reason to quit. At least for the rest of this year I'd like to double down on my writing. And I can't do that if I'm sleeping half the day. Not that I do that often, but still.

3.  More quality time with the kids. I'm the best dad in the world as it is. I think I already spend quality time with my kids than 99.9% of dads. Still, I'm more likely to play that extra game with my kids when I don't have a Miller Lite sitting next to me.

4.  GERD. Gastrointestinal Reflux is something I have to deal with. It's bad enough I drink 2 pots of coffee daily. Add in 4 beers and that's not good for the esophageal sphincter.

5.  Lab tests. I need to see my doctor at some point before the end of the year. I also need to get my lab tests done. Eating healthy and losing some weight would surely make my lab values look their best. Not saying they ever look bad. Just saying.

6.  The euphoria. Alcohol is a short-term solution to stress. You drink to relax. But, if you drink too much, it can backfire. You feel more stress. This makes sense, because alcohol is a depressant. Quitting drinking causes more euphoria than alcohol does. You go a few weeks without drinking you feel proud. You feel a sense of euphoria. This is especially true if you lost weight as a result. Those types of accomplishments create a sense of euphoria. And that bodes well for good health.

What to make of this? So, those are my six reasons for quitting alcohol for the rest of the year. I already did it for 55 days this year. So, I know I can do it again.

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