Thursday, October 4, 2018

One Month Alcohol Free

Well, it was a rocky ride. But, I made it. I accomplished my goal of going one month with no alcohol. During this month, there were really only four moments I almost had a drink. But, I did not. Here I will describe the first of these moments.

This occurred on day #2. Like, I thought I was going to fall off the wagon on the second day. It was after dinner. It was 7 p.m. It was September 8, 2018. I felt the urge to have a drink. So, I decided to have one. I opened the refrigerator. I pulled out a nice cold 16 ounce Miller Lite. I set it on the coffee table. I sat down on the couch. I cracked open the beer. I put it to my lips. And I sat it back down.

I describe these moments as "having that uncomfortable feeling." It's that feeling you want a drink. But, the "discomfort" comes from that voice in the back of your mind saying, "Don't do it." The conflict in your brain causes an uncomfortable feeling.

I prepared for moments like these. I stood up. I walked to the kitchen. I slid open the patio door. I stepped out on the porch, and took in a nice deep breath. I stepped off the porch. I walked all the way to the road.

And I decided I was not going to have that beer.

Instead, I went into the house and said: "Kids, do you want to go to the beach playground."

"Yes!" They both shouted.

And we went. And we had a blast. This was the first observed benefit of not drinking. If I had one beer, I would have probably had a second. I would have stayed in the house enjoying my beers.

Not drinking created an opportunity to spend more quality time with my kids. We all had a blast.

So, my initial goal is to make it two months. So, one more month. I can do this. Gulp!

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