Thursday, July 28, 2022

What Is The Cause Of All This Divisiveness?

 Who caused the divisiveness in our country? Republicans? Donald Trump. I don't think so. The divisiveness was caused by those who believe in free speech unless you are a republican. The divisiveness was caused by people who force others to think the same as they do. 

I can give you many examples. Let's start with abortion. Rowe probably would have stayed had democrats not tried to expand abortion rights all the way to birth. Then they added late term abortions, meaning that a baby is killed that was perfectly capable of being a fully functioning human being. 

And then you had democrats making laws where republicans were forced to pay for abortions through their taxes. Look, I don't want you taking my hard earned money and spending it on things I don't approve of. 

And from here I can segue to global warming. Democrats believe in global warming. That's fine. But then democrats want to tax republicans and force them to pay for global warming via their taxes. Is that fair? It is if you are a democrat. But it's not fair if you are a republican. 

And republicans aren't necessarily anti-global warming. Some are. Some are not. Still, we know that raising taxes for Americans and increasing regulations to businesses is not the way to improve global warming. If they worked, then at what point have you taken enough of our money? When do you decide: Okay, we are done. The answer is you will never be satisfied. 

And you wonder why we are divisive. 

You have democrats believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to freely come into our country with no checks on whether they carry deadly diseases or are criminals. And then they send these people to republican areas of the country and tell us we have to feed and take care of them. How is that fair? 

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