Sunday, January 22, 2023

I Want My Kids To Grow Up As Conservative Christians.

Since Rush Limbaugh died, I spend a lot of time listening to Ben Shapiro podcasts. He recently talked about how Mitch McConnell cried at Nancy Pelosi's going away party. And he said something like, "My daughter's, who are both liberals, love her. She has done a lot of good for the liberal causes in America." 

And Ben said, "Name one democrat who has two conservative daughters." 

You can't do it. 

He said, if you are a conservative and a Christian, which McConnell is, and your children grow up with values the opposite of yours, then you are a failure as a parent. 

This statement by Ben has caused me to do a lot of thinking over the past few weeks. I am a conservative Christian, and I'm wondering if my two oldest children have opposing values as me. And it is very frustrating. 

I still love my children, don't get me wrong. Yet, it's very frustrating to see that neither of them goes to Church. And they often say things that are in line with liberal thinking. Does that make them liberals? No. Does that make them atheists? No. But, still, it does make me wonder. 

Will I give up on them? No. 

But it does make me wonder. And I have decided that Ben Shapiro is wrong. It is not that we conservatives are failures if our children do not grow up with similar beliefs. I say this for two reasons. 1. There are many children prior to our current situation who grew up opposing their parents. I can name a couple aunts. And there's also Ronald Reagan Jr ,who is a liberal (Ronald Reagan was as conservative as they come). 

Thankfully for Reagan he has another some Mike who is a true conservative. So, that children grow up with to develop liberal views is not new. 

2. Liberals have an advantage of controlling the schools and the media. So all our children hear all day is liberal propaganda. So, it only makes sense that my kids, who listen to this stuff every day, are easily pulled over to that side. And it is this that makes it extra hard for conservatives like me to make sure my kids develop conservative thinking. 

My oldest two I decided not to talk much about politics. I figured that they would develop conservative values based on the fact they'd want to be like their dad. But, with my two younger kids, I will not take this chance. I talk about politics as much as I can. And I have politics on TV as much as I can. I want to have that discussion with them. 

Will it work? I don't know. There remain a lot of opposing forces. My kids go to school and learn that global warming is caused by man, as opposed to being caused by the natural cycle of climate change. They go to school and learn, as Al Gore teaches, that climate change is a global crisis. And yet, you wonder why kids are so depressed. 

The easiest thing to do is to become a liberal. All you have to do is to say, "I feel your pain," and create a government program that you don't pay for. And the people think you are doing something productive, and yet you solve no problems. 

A perfect example is the recent attempt by Biden to pay off student loans. They wanted to give each student with a load $10,000. This, they say, would solve the college loan crisis. But, in effect, this does nothing to solve the problem. It merely makes a bunch of kids happy so they vote for democrats. It did nothing towards solving the problem with colleges overcharging. Typical liberalism, as conservatives would say. 

Yet they are winning. As I am, as a conservative dad, a victim of. It's easy to be a liberal. Liberalism is the default setting. Conservatism takes a lot of thought. To be a conservative, you have to ask questions such as, "Will that work? If we do this (Obamacare for example), what will be the long term effect?"

Conservatives are doubters. They want evidence that something will work before they vote to make that change. Conservatives believe in the institutions that have been built over hundreds of years and have been tested year after year after year, such as the institution of marriage. Liberals are opt to come up with an idea that sounds good, and vote on it, even without any evidence that it will work. They vote based on feelings as opposed to thinking.

Conservatives believe in God and the Constitution. Liberalism cannot live side by side with God because God is a capitalist -- yes he is. God gives you a choice. You can choose Him or you can choose the Devil. And you are responsible for the consequences of your decision. That, my friends, is a capitalist view. And liberals want to control you, to make you do things the way they want (or, to at least nudge you in that direction). 

So, I am a conservative because I don't want my government telling me what I an and cannot do. And I love God and the Bible and I love Capitalism and freedom. And, Lord, I pray my kids see the value in that. 

Most important, I want to do more than watch TV with my kids. I want to have discussions about politics and about the world and know that my kids are on my side. If nothing else, this is the most basic wish I have as a father. 

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