Monday, September 4, 2017

Young Americans no longer alarmed by socialism

The two greatest fears among Americans during the 1930's, 40's and 50's were a nuclear war and the spread of socialism. These fears were often intertwined by the fact that the most powerful socialist country in Europe -- the U.S.S.R. -- had access to nuclear weapons and was actively working to spread socialism around the world.

In fact, it was this fear that leads to WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the War in Vietnam, and the Cold War. These were all efforts to prevent the spread of socialism, and prevent it from taking over America.

There are credible reasons for this fear, as socialism is the antithesis of capitalism, the American dream, and American exceptionalism. While capitalism encourages independent thinking and rewards hard work, socialism treats everyone equally regardless of how hard one works. Capitalism is the result of freedom and liberty, while socialism absconds freedom and liberty at the expense of the collective state.

And, despite what some of my liberal friends might say, progressive, liberal, socialism, and Communism are all essentially the same forms of government: they all redistribute wealth; they all take from the haves and give to the have-nots; they all take from the producers and give to the non-producers. And the government cannot create wealth; the state cannot create wealth. Only the private sector can create wealth.

Prior to the 1980s, children were taught during their earliest years of life, often at home and always at school, about how this country was founded and why this country was founded. They were taught that America protected natural rights, thereby allowing all people to dream and dream big, and to act upon those dreams. Those who worked hard were rewarded. This created an environment where even the poorest person could move up from poverty to wealth, and all it would take is a dream.

They were taught about how, before the United States existed, 99% of people lived under a totalitarian dictator like governments, where only the elites had an opportunity to dream big and act upon their dreams. These traditional governments were much like the socialistic governments of today, which include the various forms of European socialism and American progressivism/ liberalism.

These forms of government were feared back in the day. However, some recent polls show that as many as 85% of people 30 years of age and younger are no longer fearful of socialism. In fact, some even go as far to show that Americans under 30 no longer fear socialism at all, and sometimes even want socialism to come here to America.

For instance, exit polls in New England found that socialism earned 85% of the vote of those 30 and younger.  This is according to the Federalist.

The article notes: 
Millennials are simply not that alarmed by the idea of socialism. For instance, a national Reason-Rupe survey found that 53 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds view socialism favorably, compared to only a quarter of Americans over 55. A more recent January YouGov survey found that 43 percent of respondents younger than 30 viewed socialism favorably, compared to 32 percent thinking favorably of capitalism.  In fact, millennials are the only age cohort in which more are favorable toward socialism than unfavorable. Young people are also more comfortable with a political candidate who describes him- or herself as a socialist. A May 2015 YouGov national survey found that 37 percent of millennials reported being “comfortable” (29 percent) or “enthusiastic” (8 percent) with the prospects of a socialist candidate. Among those older than 45, only about half that agree. So why are millennials so much more favorable toward socialism compared to older Americans?
How could this be? One could probably argue that young people today are no longer taught about the founding of our country. This is probably because the left has succeeded in taking over what our kids are taught, a gift of the department of education and the teachers union. By this, they have succeeded in teaching kids that liberal ideas are good and capitalism is bad. Of course, they don't say it this way, but that's essentially what they do.

They have succeeded in convincing our youth that global warming is real and caused by them. This is how they are so accepting of regulations that essentially control what people make and what they sell. They have succeeded at convincing young kids that activist judges, those who liberally define the constitution and rule based on their opinions rather than the actual laws on the books, are good for America.

They have convinced Americans that a socialistic style healthcare system is good. And, imagine for a moment that liberals succeed at gaining control of education, healthcare, and global warming. If they succeed at all three, they control you and they control me. They control what we make, buy, and sell. They control what you learn. They control what you think. They control you.

That is socialism, my friends. It's akin to what the founding fathers ran away from, only it now has a happier face. Today it's called liberalism. Yesterday it was called progressivism. But, those of us who were educated prior to the 1980s, and those of us who are able to educate ourselves about the true history of the world, understand that all of the 'isms are simply daughters of fascism. 

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