Tuesday, December 5, 2023

I am cool, and that's not being egotystical

EVS jokingly quipped, "Is that all you do—walk around and look cool?"

I retorted with a grin, "Yep." Pausing for effect, I continued, "Actually, I've been exceptionally busy today. It's just that I'm so fast and efficient at what I do compared to my coworkers that I get to enjoy more leisurely strolls, looking cool and all."

It's not being egotystical. It's just that we all have different personalities. And we all go about the same job in different ways. 

Individuality in the workplace is indeed a beautiful thing. We each bring our unique styles and approaches to the job, fostering a diverse and dynamic environment. It's not about ego; it's about embracing the richness that arises from our distinct personalities and methods in tackling the same tasks. Personally, my individuality creates an ambiance of coolness and calmness. I get the job done with a grace of cool. It's just that my individuality contributes to an ambiance of coolness and calmness, allowing me to get the job done with a sense of grace and ease.

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