Wednesday, December 6, 2023

How To Calculate How Long An Oxygen Tank Will Last

 Your question.  how long will a b oxygen tank last with a pressure of 2000 and a liter flow of 3lpm

My humble answer. 

To estimate the duration a portable oxygen tank will last, you can use the following formula:

Duration (in hours)=Tank Pressure (in psi)×Tank Factor Flow Rate (in LPM) Duration (in hours) = Flow Rate (in LPM) Tank Pressure (in psi)×Tank Factor​

The "Tank Factor" is a constant value based on the size of the oxygen tank. For medical oxygen tanks, the typical tank factor is around 0.16. So, for a tank pressure of 2000 psi and a liter flow of 3 LPM:

Duration=2000 psi×0.163 LPMDuration=3LPM2000psi×0.16​

Duration=3203≈106.67 hoursDuration=3320​≈106.67hours

So, the oxygen tank with a pressure of 2000 psi and a liter flow of 3 LPM would last approximately 106.67 hours. Keep in mind that this is a rough estimate, and actual duration may vary based on factors such as the tank's condition, environmental conditions, and the accuracy of the flow meter. Always consult with a healthcare professional or the oxygen supplier for precise information regarding specific oxygen equipment.

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