Friday, November 16, 2018

How To Challenge A Liberal On Social Media

So, you decide to confront ignorance. You decide to confront a liberal on social media. Just remember that they think they are morally superior to you. You are inferior. So, they don't feel the need to state facts.

The only reason they attack you is because they want to feel superior to you. They feel they don't have to prove anything, you do. 

Do not grant them this superiority. Make them prove it. Ask them for facts. Ask them to name names. Put them on defense. And you stay on offense. 

You can state some facts. But then just drop it. Don't feel you have to prove you are right. Instead, ask them to prove their point of view. 

That is, if you decide to have fun with them. And, only challenge them if you just want to have fun.

So, you decide to challenge them. Make sure you don't go on defense. You can state a fact. You can state a fact reported in a conservative news source. You can use National Review. 

And, when you do, they will say, "See, you have a slant. Your only looking at Conservative news sources." 

That's okay. That just proves they don't have anything. Don't feel like you need to use one of their liberal sources. Don't think you have to link to an article in CBS News or CNN. Don't feel like you have to use the New York Times. 

And don't let their name calling get you down. Instead, come back by asking them to state their facts. Make them prove that they don't know anything. Make them prove that they are just emoting. 

If they tell you America is the problem. You tell them America is the solution. If they tell you that capitalism is the problem. You tell them capitalism is the solution. If they want open borders, show them how their position puts the country in danger. 

Again, don't be afraid to use conservative sources. If they attack your sources, you just stand pat. You just let them attack your sources. That makes them look foolish. 

Do not let them get you down. Do not let them drag you down. So long as you don't go on defense, you should be fine.

Just know one thing. Not one liberal is going to say, "You are right. I change my mind. You convinced me." That's never going to happen. If might happen with you. They might make a point, and you might change your mind. You might say, "You know what. I'm a reasonable person. You are right. You changed my mind." 

They will never do that. They are not reasonable that way. So, that's why you don't want to get thrown into the mud. Make your point. Let them reveal their ignorance. And then be done with it. Walk away. Do not debate them more than you have 

If you want to challenge them, tell them they make the world less safe. Their taxes make people poor. State a fact or two. And be done with it. Then unfriend them so you don't have to deal with their BS anymore. That might be the best thing for your sanity. 

Their goal is to dispirit you. Their goal is to break you. Their goal is to make you mad. They don't care about facts. They don't care about truths. They just want to make you mad. Don't let them. 

In conclusion, it's best to ignore them. It's best just to unfriend them. But, if you choose to take them on, do it because you want to have fun with them. Do it for fun. Don't go on offense. Make them prove their ignorance. And leave it at that. Leave. Smile. Enjoy. 

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