Wednesday, December 6, 2023

How To Calculate How Long An Oxygen Tank Will Last

 Your question.  how long will a b oxygen tank last with a pressure of 2000 and a liter flow of 3lpm

My humble answer. 

To estimate the duration a portable oxygen tank will last, you can use the following formula:

Duration (in hours)=Tank Pressure (in psi)×Tank Factor Flow Rate (in LPM) Duration (in hours) = Flow Rate (in LPM) Tank Pressure (in psi)×Tank Factor​

The "Tank Factor" is a constant value based on the size of the oxygen tank. For medical oxygen tanks, the typical tank factor is around 0.16. So, for a tank pressure of 2000 psi and a liter flow of 3 LPM:

Duration=2000 psi×0.163 LPMDuration=3LPM2000psi×0.16​

Duration=3203≈106.67 hoursDuration=3320​≈106.67hours

So, the oxygen tank with a pressure of 2000 psi and a liter flow of 3 LPM would last approximately 106.67 hours. Keep in mind that this is a rough estimate, and actual duration may vary based on factors such as the tank's condition, environmental conditions, and the accuracy of the flow meter. Always consult with a healthcare professional or the oxygen supplier for precise information regarding specific oxygen equipment.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

I am cool, and that's not being egotystical

EVS jokingly quipped, "Is that all you do—walk around and look cool?"

I retorted with a grin, "Yep." Pausing for effect, I continued, "Actually, I've been exceptionally busy today. It's just that I'm so fast and efficient at what I do compared to my coworkers that I get to enjoy more leisurely strolls, looking cool and all."

It's not being egotystical. It's just that we all have different personalities. And we all go about the same job in different ways. 

Individuality in the workplace is indeed a beautiful thing. We each bring our unique styles and approaches to the job, fostering a diverse and dynamic environment. It's not about ego; it's about embracing the richness that arises from our distinct personalities and methods in tackling the same tasks. Personally, my individuality creates an ambiance of coolness and calmness. I get the job done with a grace of cool. It's just that my individuality contributes to an ambiance of coolness and calmness, allowing me to get the job done with a sense of grace and ease.